our ministry



Devoted’s summer ministry is the busiest time of the year! We book up all 8 weeks of their summer with Kids’ Camps, Family Camps, and Vacation Bible Schools, travelling to various communities Canada-wide. In 2009 Devoted sent out two ministry teams for the first time ever and with God’s grace we have been able to use two teams throughout our summers ever since.


power weekends

These weekend events create opportunities throughout the year for students to seek God and create new friendships! Bring Devoted to your community for a fun-filled weekend of seeking God’s face and teaching kids about the plans He has for their life!

training programs


Summer ministry training

At Devoted we believe that training is an important part of the ministry that we do. Students who are eligible for this program (grades 7+) have an opportunity to grow in their relationship with Christ through hands-on training for ministry. It is hosted from our home-base at Bethel Christian Assembly in Brandon, Manitoba. For applications regarding summer ministry see the following links:

New Summer Student // Returning Summer Student // Sponsorship Package



devoted ministry training

This discipleship program operates from September thru June equipping students for ministry to children and junior youth. DMT looks for people with a desire to find their God-given potential while helping others do the same. Students have the opportunity to put their training into action through with weekly ministry (working with Kids@Bethel in Brandon), and working alongside other churches to provide children’s programming.


If you want to connect with us to serve in your

church or community contact us.